The Curriculum: Stage 2
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Crossing the Threshold: Discovering Allies and Ogres (social development)
The second Unit is Crossing the Threshold. This unit focuses on the area of Social Development, that stage in which young people want to know "Where do I fit in?" Here students are asked to interview someone in their family to find out more about their own history, and to examine the idea that people can be helpful allies or threatening ogres to each other. They explore their own learning styles and those of their classmates, and are placed in an "ally group," in which they will help each other throughout the program.The Challenge Activity involves "walking in another's shoes," in which each student tries to experience life from someone else's perspective.
- Unit Two overview
- This sample page includes: "In This Unit We Will", "Books for Enrichment", "Scripts", "Optional Responses", and "Advance Preparation."
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