The Heroic Journey

The Curriculum: Stage 5

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Find the Keys and Receive the Boon (intellectual development)

In the area of Intellectual Development, students Find the Keys and Receive the Boon of understanding how they think, and how they can use critical thinking skills to make good decisions. They learn more about their own personal strengths, and about how their brains function in a crisis. They read true stories about survival under life threatening situations, and consider what they might do in several possible emergencies that they might encounter some day.

The Challenge Activity for this stage involves defining a goal for themselves, breaking it down into small steps, and taking action toward accomplishing it.


Student Worksheet
"Survival Strategies - True Story"
Asks the student to evaluate actions taken in the assigned survival story and explain the outcomes.

Unit 5: Enrichment Lesson 1
"Heroes Were Once Teenagers, Too"
This sample page includes the Overview, Cognitive Objectives, Affective Objective, Interactive Objective, Preparation, and Teaching the Lesson.

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